20% off Firefly Air Cargo​ when you sign up for MHexplorer for all users

Codes No Expires
Why you should register as a member? Get your shipment...More

Why you should register as a member? Get your shipment delivered on the same day and get an extra 20% off Firefly Air Cargo​!​ Save more on your time with this wise option! Less

Fly from Kota Kinabalu to Miri, Kuching, Sandakan or Tawau at RM59 onwards

Codes No Expires
Your next holiday is cheaper by booking with Firefly. Plan...More

Your next holiday is cheaper by booking with Firefly. Plan them now! Less

Save more time by flying to Phuket from Penang with the lowest fare from RM168

Codes No Expires
You do not need to redeem any FireFly code to...More

You do not need to redeem any FireFly code to enjoy this promotion! Simply choose your destination and voila! Grab the cheapest flight fare here! Less